Creating a Sustainable Fat Loss Plan: Tips from San Diego’s Top Gym Trainers

Fat Loss Plan

Did you know that most fat loss attempts fail? That’s right, and it’s the tough truth about weight loss that you need to know right off the bat. According to recent statistics, at least 90% of individuals eventually end up at square one after losing fat. I’m not telling you this to scare you but to let you know that the perfect fat loss plan requires constant dedication, hard work, and commitment. You’re not running a sprint but rather a marathon. That said, every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. If you’re here you’ve made that all-important step so way to go! Here are some top tips from the best personal trainer in San Diego to help turn your float loss wishes into reality then keep it that way. 

Get your mindset right

Fat loss isn’t only about losing weight. It’s also about losing the mentality that got you there in the first place. If your mind is working against you, your weight loss plan is doomed before it even gets going.

We talked to a couple of the best gyms in San Diego, and here’s what they had about positioning your mind for successful fat loss: 

  • Break down goals into smaller daily objectives. The big picture vision can be overwhelming, so start small and set easy and manageable steps
  • Fuel your determination with a clear reason: You need to understand your reason and set a tangible vision to act as a daily reminder. For instance, if the endgame is to fit into a particular dress, put it somewhere you can see it every day to remind you what you’re working toward. 
  • Be eager to learn. Fat loss is different from one person to the next. You should be willing to educate yourself on understanding your body’s personal needs

It also helps to understand negative triggers so that they don’t get the better of you. For example, if hanging out with a certain group of people often leads to poor dietary choices, it’s time to reevaluate your choice of friends. 

Work with an accountability buddy

One day you come home from work super knackered. You decide to take a rain check on your fat loss workout. A month down the line, you find that you’ve been missing all your gym sessions due to a mountain of excuses and procrastination. 

That’s one of the reasons why you need an accountability partner. Here are a couple of ways accountability partners will help you out overall: 

  • Your partner will keep you focused and on track
  • They help you monitor progress better and fuel your motivation 
  • Increased likelihood of success. You are 300% more likely to achieve your weight loss goals with an accountability partner by your side 
  • They can pick you up after a stumble
  • Your partner identifies and helps you shatter bad habits
  • They implement proper habits for fat loss success

If you need an experienced San Diego personal trainer to show you the ropes and keep you honest, be sure to visit the IronOrrFitness so you can weigh your options and get an accountability buddy to help you attain and maintain your dream body. Such fitness gurus can also help you create a personalized and long-term fat loss plan from scratch.

Slow and steady wins the fat loss race

Many Americans are buying into this myth that rapid fat loss is great. The most effective fat loss plan is the one where you shed the most pounds in the shortest amount of time. 

Nothing could be further from the truth. One personal trainer in San Diego, backed up by evidence from the scientific community, finds it’s safe to lose up to 2 pounds weekly. Any rate higher invites health complications such as: 

  • Declining metabolism
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Muscle loss
  • Weakening immunity, and so on

Losing fat should be gradual to minimize exhaustion and trauma. The point here is that rapid weight loss can dangerously backfire on you so you shouldn’t rush fat loss. Space out your goals and manage your expectations. 

Eat less but more often

Losing fat is just half the battle. Ensuring it stays that way is where the rubber meets the road. To maintain your fat loss gains, you need to eat strategically. That doesn’t mean starving yourself either, which may not be the best way to burn fat because: 

  • Starving slows down your metabolism, meaning your body’s ability to burn fat takes a hit
  • It also leads to poor bone health and immunity 
  • Starving may also lead to intensified cravings for calorie-dense meals such as fast foods

So what should you do in terms of crafting a sustainable fat-loss diet? I talked to some personal training gurus, and they were unanimous that you shouldn’t restrict food intake completely. Instead, you should eat smaller meal portions than usual but do so frequently throughout the day. 

For instance, the average person tends to eat three meals a day, right? If you are keen on fat loss that goes the distance, aim to increase that to five smaller meals daily. Doing this ensures a higher rate of metabolism compared to just a few big meals sporadically throughout the day. When your base metabolism goes up, your body naturally burns fat at a higher rate. The experts also recommend regular exercise and sleep as ways to kick up your metabolism.  

Get off the sad “scale” and seek expert help 

A parting tip for you. It’s natural to keep checking your weight throughout the process. But it’s important to understand that you can still lose fat and put on weight. That’s because you may be shedding fat but accumulating more muscle, which is not a bad thing at all! Instead, take body measurements such as measuring your waistline and so on. Overall, sustainable fat loss is all about cultivating the right habits, mindset, and lifestyle. Something you may have a better shot at when you work with a San Diego fitness expert who gets it and you. Visit this amazing gym in San Diego for an accountability partner who’ll stick with you through thick and thin and launch you to your goals.

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